Flip MinoHD Camcorders : CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More
Gary Krakow, the gadget guy at TheStreet.com, visits the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and heaps high praises on the Flip MinoHD Camcorder - see the video
Guess what? Check it out - I have these Flip MinoHD camcorders (and the Flip Mino camcorders) in my Music Stuff & More store @ CafePress
See the Flip MinoHD at the top of this post. (That's a high-resolution NASA photo of the Earth's Western Hemisphere shown on that Flip MinoHD displayed here.)
Of course, I have music Flip MinoHDs, as well as Flip MinoHDs with peace symbols, as well as other graphics.
Please visit Music Stuff & More @ CafePress