Tuesday, December 12, 2006
New Web Software...?
I've also mentioned repeatedly that I'm no Web Designer - and don't really aspire to be one. I just want to get online okay, have my website, do my business, have my fun, and concentrate my graphic design efforts elsewhere (as in my current income-producing efforts, such as my stores).
I'm looking at Microsoft; I'm looking at Adobe...
I'm not coming up with a good answer yet.
I'm also finding out that I am not alone among FrontPage 2003 (the latest version!) users who want something more up to date, but are stumped.
It's back to the old FrontPage drawing board, for now, for this site. I'll clean out, repair, trim down, improve... After the holiday rush, that is, my plate's too full right down with Christmas.
Start over with a new website? Not only do I not want to - but, most important of all, I have really good Google Page Ranking with this site in its present form. Do I wish to risk losing that? No way! My income even depends on it - it's not an ego thing (yeah, right - with this website?).
Please be patient. : ) I will get my website act back together, one way or the other.
In the meantime...
My stores:
~ Music Stuff & More
~ For Women Old Enough to Know Better
~ A seriously-neglected Spreadshirt store called CHM Music Stuff (still makes $$$, though, in spite of me)
My blogs:
~ This (duh)
~ Groovy Ladies/For Women Old Enough to Know Better blog
~ Music Stuff Blog
~ Yahoo 360 blog
~ MySpace blog - where, on the rare occaisons I am there, I complain about MySpace mostly, but contains "Happy Feet" and "Weird Al" videos (yes, I am so white and nerdy too, but you've probably already figured that one out - long ago).
And, have a Happy Holiday Season!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Still More New @ My CafePress Stores
Cool, though. Just today CafePress surprised us shopkeepers with a load of new merchandise. We had not an inkling it was coming. It was added overnight.
So, needless to say, I have a whole lot more adding to do, but much of it is available in my CafePress stores right now. Of course, there will be much more to come as I can get it added.
Note that some of these items are already in the stores, with the new color choices now available. An example of this are the added colors for the Men's Dark T-Shirts: Navy and Khaki Green. These Dark T-Shirts are present now throughout my stores - you can simply check out these new colors right away.
Here's the specifics on the new colors and the new merchandise:
= Women's Long Sleeve T-Shirt - White
= Women's Long Sleeve Dark T-Shirt in Black also in ? (hey, I'm still learning, too!)
= Men's Long Sleeve Dark T-Shirt in Black or Navy or ?
= New Additional Color Choices for the Men's Dark T-Shirt - Navy, Khaki Green
= Men's Long Sleeve T-Shirt is now available in Ash Grey as well as the White
Check out the link up top for some examples of the new merchandise and new colors. See also the "Sales & Features" section on the storefront of the For Women Old Enough to Know Better store for examples of this news unique to that store.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
NEW NEW NEW : CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More
I'm back! Sorry for the delay. Expect to see much more of me here on this blog.
Here's a good place to start with my updating: My latest graphics available on merchandise in Music Stuff & More (CHM Design store).
The new music graphics:
= An entirely new treble clef (black)
= a graphic consisting of a pair of notes - a half note and a quarter note, to be specific. This graphic comes in an assortment of colors, such as "ruby", "sapphire", "opal", "gold", and - surprise - traditional basic black
= less new, but very recent: several new bass clef graphics
The link in the header will take you to Music Stuff & More's "NEW NEW NEW section" where you can see exactly what I'm talking about.
Of course, these new graphics can also be found in the "Music Merchandise section" :
= Brushstroke Treble Clef
= Notes
= Bass Clef Graphics
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
NEW NEW NEW : CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More : CafePress.com
The links above will give you a peek inside the "New New New" section of the CafePress Music Stuff & More store where you can see the new "gold" treble clef as well as bass clef graphics, other new bass clef graphics, plus the new color choices available on some of the products at CafePress.
While the "gold" treble clef has been around the store for a long time, it's new on dark T-shirts and on black backgrounds generally. The "gold" bass clef is entirely new and on dark T-shirts as well as on most CafePress merch generally.
The new CafePress color choices?
You can now choose white, pink, or blue for the infant/toddler T-shirts, also for the infant creepers.
You can choose white or gray for the adult plain, as well as hooded, sweatshirts.
And, now you can choose dark red ("cardinal") as well as black for the dark T-shirts.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The Red T-shirts Are Available Now @ CafePress
I've some examples of the red shirts in the "Sales & Features" areas of my CafePress premium (big) stores:
Music Stuff & More store
For Women Old Enough...store
Friday, September 08, 2006
New Colors @ CafePress
CHM Design - Music Stuff & More store (this link is to the "NEW NEW NEW section" in "Sales & Features")
For Women Old Enough... store (its "Sales & Features" section)
The new color choices are pink or blue for the little ones, as well as the original white. For the adult sweatshirts - the plain and the hooded - the new choice will be white or the original gray.
Soon to come - dark red (called "cardinal") as an alternative color for black T-shirts. Fun for Christmas and will look great with some - many - of my graphics, IMHO. CafePress will start labeling these T-shirts "dark T-shirts."
All of these new color choices are already available on these products in all of my stores. When CafePress rolls out the new dark red soon that color will be immediately available as well.
I'm excited. I like this stuff. : )
Friday, July 07, 2006
CafePress Update & New Shipping Rates
Rate excludes shipping for custom postage, posters and framed prints, which ship separately and incur an additional charge. Shipping for individual orders of custom postage, stickers, buttons and CDs may have lower shipping rates.
Hope all you Americans had a Happy 4th of July holiday.
There's new graphics - more about that next week.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
CafePress Summer Sale (& General Update)
Small Mug : $2 off
Kids' Baseball Jersey : $2 off
Men's Sleeveless T-Shirt : $3 off
Women's Tank Top : $3 off
Green T-Shirt : $2 off
Trucker Hat : $2 off
The old prices will have a red slash; the new prices will be in red.
As for "General Update", I've been doing a lot of combing through Music Stuff & More adding products, improving navigation and lay-out, adding text. Generally improving the place, starting with the "Music Merchandise." You may notice my recent work in the "Keyboards/Pianos" area, the "Music Symbols" area (Check out how many more products are in the Eighth Notes and B Wear/Ware areas!), and elsewhere. This "renovating" - or whatever you want to call it - will be ongoing. I'm starting in the Music Merchandise area and will be combing my way through the rest of Music Stuff & More and For Women Old Enough to Know Better, as well as my Basic stores. I'm going to be doing a small amount of tweaking on some graphics, too, such as graphics which, IMO, would be better bigger or higher...
I want to put more time into the Spreadshirt store soon as well. And the website, too.
Even though all that is a ton of work, I would go crazy if I did too much of it of that, frankly, grunt work, so look for some new graphics soon. It's been too long since I came out with a new graphic - I'm thinking music (of course!), politics (California will be electing a governor in November, for one thing), and more California/Orange County (there's not nearly enough of that!).
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
CafePress Dad's Day Sale Until 6/09 & More
(max discount $7)
Coupon Code: DADSHIP
Offer Valid until 06/09/2006
That said...
Please note that there are new sections in Sales & Features in Music Stuff & More - most notably a NEW NEW NEW section, which features, guess what? new graphics, and will feature new products when we ever have some (They are coming, they really are. This is about CafePress being slow and careful about releasing this new merch.).
What's this about the Albino Code Store? I do like to support worthy causes, which includes here the issue of albinism. Bummer that "Da Vinci Code"'s Silas the creepy monk is an albino. What's that all about? I have albino acquaintances - I cringed when I read that the murderous Silas was made out to be an albino. Why? This does make life harder for those with albinism - they already have enough problems, with vision and skin problems, and "being different."
This is also a very funny little movie parody of, you know it, the "Da Vinci Code." http://www.albinocode.com/
News & Views Page is featuring Al Gore's movie trailer about global warming as well as information re the California primary election next week (June 6).
There's a ridiculous amount of "Da Vinci Code" stuff throughout my website. The funniest stuff, of course, is on the Wazzup Page - the many parodies.
The For Women Old Enough...store? Check out the latest graphic: You Can Do It! And, who the heck is Crazy Lewis the Cat? and what's this about saving him? Yet another one of my causes. Be sure to read the Shopkeeper's Bio on the Save Lewis store site.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Update! (Drumroll & Fanfare...)
You might, however, want to check out the coupon thingie which keeps pumping out fresh CafePress coupons which is located on the sidebar @ CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More
I am way too late at getting back to this Blog. As usual I'm too busy working on my website, other blogs (related to stores or website), graphics, or other work.
Actually I tend to create graphics and news faster than I can get to reporting them!
But, no excuse, I must do better here. My apologies if you've been looking at this and wondering whatever happened to me and mine.
I've worked a lot on the website today - you'll see improvements especially with the Music Stuff Page, plus additions on several Pages. Lots of improving and updating here and there on the site. Lots more to do!!
Here's some links which will help bring you up to date:
http://www.carolynhmayer.com/wazzup.htm - Wazzup Page
~ CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More
~ For Women Old Enough to Know Better store
chm-musicstuff.blogspot.com - Music Stuff Blog
groovyladies.blogspot.com - Groovy Ladies Blog
www.myspace.com/chmayer (My fellow CafePress shopkeepers talked me into this one. Check out who my "Friends" are. A curious place indeed.)
Monday, April 24, 2006
Free Shipping (Orders $50+) Starts Tomorrow @ CafePress
Free Shipping On Orders Over $50
(Max discount $7)
Coupon Code: MOMSHIP
April 25 - May 5
BTW, find special things for Mom and Grandma (she's a mom, too!) in the For Women Old Enough to Know Better store. I'll be putting some more Mother's Day-oriented stuff out soon - in both Premium stores. In the meantime, I know if Mom and Grandma like music - and who doesn't? she'd appreciate music items, other items pertaining to their interests and tastes as well without having "Mom" or "Grandma" plastered all over all of them. Bottom line: Make Mom or Grandma happy.
We make it as Rockers & Ravers @ CafePress
One of the Music Stuff & More "Circle of Fifths" graphics is featured in the Rockers & Ravers (that would be music) section. Check it out.
Friday, April 14, 2006
New Sale, New Graphics... And Happy Holidays!
$2 off the Junior Ringer Tees @ both my Premium (big) stores:
CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More
For Women Old Enough to Know Better store
In other news, I've been adding a lot of graphics from other CafePress shopkeepers into the "For Women..." store. Flowers, humor... Autism Awareness, as well as Earth Day.
Have also been expanding merchandise and section throughout the "For Women..." store. Find more "California", more music, a Mugs section, an Earth Day section...
Happy Easter! Happy Passover!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Update - Stores, Graphics, etc.
In other affiliate-type news, I've added new CafePress affiliate merchandise to the For Women Old Enough to Know Better store, some fun stuff (featuring animals, as well as food, right now. There will be additions in other categories as time goes by) in, surprise, the new "FUN" section. The Sudoku goods have also been moved, appropriately, into the new "FUN" section. There's also a new Autism Awareness section in this store. Look for Earth Day merch soon - Earth Day being April 22.
Now, off to FrontPage to get that stuck "March" fixed on the top border (fingers crossed)...
Friday, March 31, 2006
News Update
It was one of those odd things that you don't notice while you're putting a Web Page together, only later after the Page has been already embarrassing you out on the Web.
I've been starting an Autism Awareness section in For Women Old Enough...store. Note the spiffy new graphic I've started out with. April is Autism Awareness Month. I'm also starting to become aware that there is some controversy and strong feelings regarding the attitude to take toward the subject. To celebrate it? or to cure it? The jury's still out for me until I learn much more, but my guess now is that the truth is somewhere in the middle. I plan at least one Earth Day graphic for April 22 - it's still on the drawing board.
I've been participating in the Great Gear April Fool blog-out: http://greatgearnews.blogspot.com
Friday, March 24, 2006
Update - Website, New Graphics, Sale...
A CafePress Spring Sale is coming up:
Coupon Code: Spring10
Offer: $10 off $50 Order
3/30 - 4/13
New in Music Stuff & More: four spiffy new Circle of Fifths graphics, four of which can be found on black T-shirts. (They're already selling well. : )
This Lent I've added a vast multitude of Celtic crosses to both of my premium CafePress stores - in "gold", "silver", as well as numerous different colors. Most are on black T-shirts as well as other CafePress merchandise.
Celtic crosses in Music Stuff & More
Celtic crosses in For Women Old Enough...
New in "Sales & Features" in Music Stuff & More are Christian crosses - the new mentioned above, plus last year's in a section called "For Lent & Easter."
New in For Women Old Enough... store is its own "Sales & Features" section, featuring "Flowers" right now.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
The Groovy Ladies Page
Yes, related to the CafePress For Women Old Enough to Know Better store (short title: "For Women Old Enough..." store).
Also related to the blog of the same name: http://groovyladies.blogspot.com
Monday, March 06, 2006
Adding Celtic Crosses to Music Stuff & More

The "gold" Celtic cross pictured at left on a black T-shirt.
The "silver" Celtic cross pictured at right.
There are also other Celtic crosses as well as much more Celtic cross merchandise than only the black T-shirts.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
CafePress Sale & Other News
$4 off $40 Offer
Coupon Code: MARCH4
March 2 - March 14
In other news...
= Continuing improvements in "For Women Old Enough to Know Better" store (Look for much more to come.)
= A GroovyLadiesPage on my website related to the store and blog - brand-new, just started it today. Yes, it is still very under constuction.
= Have I mentioned all the new Sudoku merch?
= Black hoodies, long-sleeve tees, and women's tees are coming any week now to CafePress
= CHM Design is starting to get a little political again (remember my Kerry merch?) since there's an election this year. Check out Democratic Progress (with Thomas Jefferson portrayed)
= Note the "It's Easy Being Green!" section of green goodies in honor of St. Patrick's Day, Spring, and whatnot.
= Added a white violin/fiddle to black tees
More news soon.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Store News & CHM Sale - Black Tees on Sale
Have also created a vast multitude of Sudoku merchandise, most of which is in the "For Women Old Enough to Know Better" store
Have I mentioned the new "Born 2 B Wild!" black tees yet?
Note that CafePress is about to add black long-sleeve T-shirts, black hoodies, and black Women's tees any day now. Yes, I will be whipping my already-present "for-black" graphics right on this merch as soon as it arrives.
The CHM Sale? Since CafePress won't have another sale or promotion until March, I've decided to have my own. Accordingly, in the CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More store, all black T-shirts will be $4 off during the month of February. This means all black shirts in this store will cost only $19.99 instead of their usual $23.99. (Note that the CHM Sale does not apply to any of my other stores.)
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Update, News & Latest CafePress Promotion
Thanks to my brilliant son Mike (his 21st birthday today, BTW) not only did I not lose any data, but nothing needed installing either, since the image of my old C: drive was "merely" plopped down upon my new one. I was ready to get back to work immediately yesterday, and did so.
Got my FrontPage back - look for website improvement this week.
A reminder: the CafePress Valentine Promotion starts today and ends Valentine's Day.
$5 off $50 - CODE: CUPID5
$10 off $100 - CODE: CUPID10
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
New Cheap Stuff @ Music Stuff & More
But, new to "Sales & Features" - a Magnets, Buttons & Stickers area. Also, a Value T-Shirts area (nice white T-Shirts @ only $11.99).
These are popular items - might as well make them just a little easier to find I figured.
Links directly into the sections...
Magnets, Buttons & Stickers (Music only now, "& More" will be coming soon.)
Value T-Shirts (Music Stuff & More)
Website, etc. Update
Note the correct date - it's February 1st, not whatever in the world it says in my website's borders. (Darn FrontPage.)
Still waiting on my hard drive, and therefore my FrontPage software, my graphic software...
But, I just learned the new hard drive is in Ontario, not so far away... Maybe tomorrow!
Just added a link to the Wazzup Page - should have been on the "News & Views" Page, but Yahoo wouldn't grant me access to edit my own bleeping Web Page, for some strange reason. So I added the brand-new State of the Union parody link to Wazzup. Look for the little yellow "NEW", as usual. Wazzup Page
I will do more website updating before the week is out. Jeez, this site has ugly code - part me, part FrontPage. The code is hard to read; therefore, hard to update by hand.
I'll stop complaining.
I've been using my extra time to improve my stores - the two CafePress Premium stores and the Spreadshirt store (new products there)...
CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More
For Women Old Enough to Know Better store
CHM Music Stuff - the Spreadshirt store
Friday, January 27, 2006
Latest News & CafePress Promotions
Valentine's Day sections are open in both Music Stuff & More (see http://www.cafepress.com/chmdesign/1106339 )and in For Women Old Enough... (see http://www.cafepress.com/grannygear/1111647 ) There is some duplication between them, but both of them do have many unique graphics and merchandise.
Now, current CafePress promos...
Jan 20 - Feb 3
Free Super Saver Shipping* on orders over $50
*Domestic shipping only
The CafePress promotion after that will be:
Feb 4 - Feb 14
$5 off $50 - CODE: CUPID5
$10 off $100 - CODE: CUPID10
Last, but not least, there are several new graphics in both stores. I've put the Sudoku graphic on black T-Shirts (reversed, obviously - white on black). A "silver" tuba has been added to a wide assortment of merch, including black T-Shirts. Etc.
Two hours of sleep and no C:/ drive - hey, I keep truckin' anyway! Takes more than that to stop me. Now to figure out how to take care of the Bad Music Joke of the Week... Hey, last week I did it as I had a staph infection - again, keep on truckin'... (again, too much information)
Your intrepid, never-say-die CHM (Carolyn)